After updating this website we were sad to see so many past haunt sites had gone the way of the grave. For those that remain to inspire or instruct, we hope you will continue to pave the way for all those who love Halloween and all things related. If you aren't on the list here, send us a message and we will add your website!


We buy our Beef Netting material from:


hauntershangoutHaunters Hangout
It's a great way to get inspired for the new haunt season... so hit play and get to work on those props!
halloweenforumHalloween Forum
Find other home haunters who are willing to share their knowledge and photos!
halloween_allianceHalloween Alliance
From Halloween history, tutorials, news or the Happy Halloween Magazine... there is something for all home haunters.
darkimaginings_tbDark Imaginings
Haunted Changing Portraits & Spooky Special Effects
SenorScarysHalloweenSenor Scary Halloween
Everything Eerie, Ghastly and Frightful for a Haunted Holiday
bayberrycoveBay Berry Cove
This is the place to shop for OLD FASHIONED Halloween decorations and collectables!
oldworldprimitivesOld World Primitives
Vintage Halloween collectables
Shop for anything that has to do with blacklights or special effect products.
hautemacabre_tbHaute Macabre
Ultimate cool site with fashion, style and all things dark...
gentlemansemporiumGentlemans Emporium
Authentic clothing / costumes from olden days. Prices are great!
scarefactoryScare Factory
Get a behind the scenes look at what goes into a prop from the ScareFactory and meet some of the talented artists, designers, and fabricators that give their monsters life!
halloweffectsHallow Effects Shop
Shop for all kinds of Halloween props and effects here.
haunter_video_awardsHaunters Video Awards
Features current and past Haunters Video Award winners.
syfySYFY Horror
Horror movies!
Welcome to, an online documentary about Disney's Haunted Mansion attractions.
hauntedeveHaunted Eve
Home haunter with lots of great photos. Very creative set lighting used here...
You've never seen anything like these papier mache creations! A true Halloween artist how also teaches his craft. Check out his work for more.
marthastewartMartha Stewart Halloween...
she does good work!
ravensblightRavens Blight
Paper Halloween toys you can download and build.
halloweenproductionsHalloween Productions
Totally cool sculptures and props for the pros.
hauntworldHaunt World is the World's #1 haunted house and Halloween source.
mypetskeletonMy Pet Skeleton
Creepy charactors, spooky artwork...motion graphics and videos... just a great inspiration overall!
pumpkinrot">Pumpkinrot's blog
Grand master of the scarecrow and all things creepy! Fantastic photos...
Listen to podcast interviews of other home haunters by Chris Baker and visit the super cool forum.
deannaThe Dead End
Ghostess Deanna leads the Florida Haunters and is a storehouse of home haunt knowledge and inspiration!
johannaparker_tbJohanna Parker
Distinct papier mache sculptures & illustrations
and her blog
Latest news on all things dealing with Cryptozoologoy.