GroupShot FlyingMonkeys2 web

arms1  arms2  wire


ARMS: PVC Pipe "Bones" attached with wire. There is a main wire running from shoulder (PVC) to the fingers. A thin stuffed bag is around this for the arm base. We duct tape shipping air bags to build out the arm forms and keep it light weight, but you could use bunched up plastic bags as an alternative. We also covered the air bags completely with duct tape to prevent the hot glue we use later from popping them. Next, we wrapped the entire arm and hands in black plastic trash bags, tying the joints with strips of plastic. We want to keep things water proof as well.



legs1  legs2  legs3


LEGS: Legs done the same way as the arms. There is a main wire running from the hip (PVC) to the toe. Next air bags, cover in duct tape, wrapped in black plastic trash bags and tied at joints with plastic strips. A PVC spine is added to the center of the hip bone with wire.


mask  head spine  mask heads


HEAD: We used a store-bought mask that we stuffed with a small bag and plastic grocery bags.  Cover head stuffing with black plastic bag leaving the ends for the neck wrapping. Cut a pin pong ball in half and create eye shapes. Attach with black duct tape. Cover with mask and attach by cutting small slits in mask sides and tying with plastic strips around head stuffing. The PVC "spine" is bent using a heat gun. The bent section is the neck. Holes are drilled in the PVC to attach wires on other parts.


bag body  bag body2  fur yarn


BODY: More bags and stuffing form the body and are attached to spine PVC. Tie the mid section to form the chest. One bag is placed under the hips for the bottom. Tie with plastic strips to shape. We used a small amount of fur for the chest, upper arms, and back of head. For the rest of the arms and legs we wrapped "hairy" yarn very sporatically to give the impression of fur. Hot glue was added in spots to keep the yarn in place.


 fur yarn body  gloves  wings


PARTS:  Work gloves were added over the wire hands. Cut to extend finger length. Each finger is then wrapped in black plastic strips and covered with yarm. The feet also have one large inner toe piece added to help with the foot look. Wings were store bought, cut apart, wired added, and attached to spine.


clothes  clothes paint  hat


CLOTHES: One monkey has a store-bought child's costume. The rest were hand-made. These were done by eye and not a pattern. We were looking to make these fast so we painted the designs. The shoulder, neck, and shirt back were sewn. The hat was hot glued. We sprayed Polyurethane on at the end to help preserve the paint in the weather.


 fur paint  eyes



PAINTING: We scrubbed blue craft paint into the yarn and fur to tie it all together. We also added some blue to the mask and wings. Our aim here was not to make it all blue, just to grunge it up a bit. Cut a small hole in the ping pong eye form and insert animal eyes to complete the look. We tried to give each monkey a slightly different look and personality. We also sprayed Polyurethane over the whole piece and let dry to protect it from the weather.


GroupShot FlyingMonkeys web

Time to party Wicked Witch Style!










